Posts Tagged ‘pickled onions’

Frontier Cooking Lessons from Laura Ingalls Wilder
Last month, I decided I wanted to read for fun again. NO books on food, not directly anyway, and no books on politics or anthropology or sociology, no biographies and no Shakespeare either. Just fluffy easy reading. I was at my local library and found myself at the book sale section where they have a little metal box with a slot for money along with a price list for the books on the shelf. I’m a sucker for library book sales. I skipped the heavy subjects and came upon the section for ‘Young Readers’ and came across this..
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Quick Pickled Onions
While I can be extremely generous and sometimes free with many things, I sometimes revert to the frugal part of my personality. This becomes even more apparent when I am grocery shopping: I can’t resist a deal. So when I ran across the discount produce bin at Dan’s Produce in Alameda, I had to stop and look. I found a big bag of small red onions marked 99 cents.
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Sad Discount Potatoes become Fancy Spanish Tortilla
Here’s a few things you should know about me- I’m frugal and I like being challenged. These two attributes serve me well in the kitchen. So this time, I’d like to tackle the Discount Produce Bin. You are familiar with this part of your grocery store or produce market- plastic bags full of not-so-perfect produce that is discounted to sell. Now, I can’t resist a bargain of any kind, especially when it comes to food. I feel as if the Produce Gods are challenging me and giving me these sad vegetables and fruit to see if I can make something delicious.
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