Posts Tagged ‘Rainbow Grocery’
Praise for the Plain Old Supermarket
Long ago, about five years ago, or as my husband and I call it: Before Kid, I had lots and lots of time on my hands. We lived in San Francisco in our small flat and we enjoyed our Leisure Time. Leisure Time meant lounging lazily on our days off, reading the newspaper in its entirety, window shopping for hours and just meandering. Now, After Kid, Time is precious because it seems there is too little of it that we can call ‘Free’.
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Urban Comfort at Rainbow Grocery Cooperative
When I moved to San Francisco in the early 2000′s from San Jose, it was to be close to culinary school. It didn’t hurt that San Francisco was one of my favorite places to visit already, but I never thought about living there. So you can understand the culture shock that happened when we moved into our tiny, narrow flat in the South of Market area. It was a bit rough and still a bit industrial rather than neighborhoody. We didn’t have a guaranteed parking area and there were more homeless people and crack pipes than I cared to have near my home. It was definitely not the suburbs anymore!
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